Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Big changes!

Hello again, everyone! Wilder Violin Studio's got some really exciting changes coming up this summer!

First, I'd like to officially announce that I will be accepting credit and debit payments starting July of 2013. Forgotten checkbooks and non-exact change will be a thing of the past, since I'll soon be able to swipe your card using my phone. Technology is the coolest!

Sadly, it is time for our partnership with Capitol Music to come to an end. However, this spells nothing but good news for students, parents, and even myself! Starting as soon as this week (!) I will be bringing my lessons to you! This means we'll have lots more flexibility with scheduling, tons fewer distractions (no more having to compete with those trombone lessons in the next room!), no more U-district rush-hour traffic, plus you won't even have to put shoes on for our lesson! It's a win-win-win...win!

Stay tuned for more big changes to the Wilder Violin Studio.

In the meantime, enjoy that sunshine!